

Friday 2 January 2015

Lots of Ways to Get Involved

The Bible teaches that every person is given gifts by God, for serving and contributing to their local church, and for the health and growth of God's Kingdom.  There are lots of ways to serve, and we encourage every member of Warragul Anglican Church to have a go, and find the 'sweet spot' where there's the perfect match between what you love to do and what best nourishes the church.

Here are just a few of the areas where there are always openings, and where you might flourish:

Up-Front Ministries:
© Shaffandi | dreamstime.com
These take place during services, on Sundays and weekdays.

Reading the Bible aloud - help people to hear and understand the Bible, by clear well-prepared reading
Leading public prayer - help people to bring their shared concerns to God
Music ministry - includes playing musical instruments, singing, being the song leader, being a regular music-team co-ordinator

For those who are mature Christians with demonstrated commitment to Warragul Anglican Church, there may be opportunities to lead services or preach;  these ministries require the permission of the rector, and if you are keen to participate in them regularly, there are training and licencing requirements set by the Diocese of Gippsland.

Small Group ministries:
 © George Muresan | dreamstime.com
It's important that listening to God isn't just a Sunday activity.  Small groups meet throughout the week to help people grow in their knowledge of the Bible, to put our Christian faith into practice, to pray for one another and the world, and to support and care for one another.

Home group host - are you willing to have a group meet in your home, and provide a bit of supper?
Home group leader - undertakes to prepare and lead Bible studies;  groups cater for enquirers, those seeking to learn more, those with particular interests like social justice or  mission, and may also cater for specific demographics, eg. young adults, families with children, etc.

Children's Ministry: 
© Dmitriy Shironosov | dreamstime.com
This can be a Sunday ministry, or weekday as part of our Scripture in Schools ministry.  Everyone who works with kids at Warragul Anglican Church is required to undergo a National Police Record Check, Working With Children Check, and Safe Ministries Training.

Leading a children's SALT Club group (age ranges are 2 to 4 years, 5 yrs to Grade 2, Grade 3-4, Grade 5 to Yr 7)
Assisting with a children's SALT Club group (as above)
Teaching Scripture in a local primary school (this ministry requires training and registration with ACCESS ministries)
Assisting with Scripture teaching in a local primary school (as above)

Youth ministry: 
This can be involvement in a formal group or activity for youth, or simply getting to know the young folk who are part of our church, pray for them and include them in the activities of the wider church.  Everyone who works with youth at Warragul Anglican Church is required to undergo a National Police Record Check, Working With Children Check, and Safe Ministries Training.

Youth leader - undertakes to prepare and lead Bible studies and activities for youth
Youth ministry assistant - helps with youth group activities
Youth mentor - commits to get to know one or more of the youth and pray regularly for them

Welcome Ministries:
© Photographerlondon | dreamstime.com
These ministries take place as part of our Sunday services.

Welcomers - greet people as they arrive, hand out weekly newsheet, help people to feel welcome
Stewards - prepare the building for services by turning on lights, heating or fans, opening doors etc; collect offering

Pastoral Ministries:
© Monkeybusinessimages | dreamstime.com
These ministries involve a variety of activities to help people feel welcome in our church community, and care for them during Sundays and beyond.

'Watchers' - help to track attendance so we can follow up if someone might be unwell or in other trouble
Pastoral Care committee - meet twice monthly to pray for members of the church and share concerns, plan how to help people with various needs
Pastoral carers - get to know a group of people, with an eye for their well-being
Meals - be available to cook meals for individuals or families in need
Visitors - visit people in hospital or at home, for practical help or prayer

Technical Ministries:
© Pichet Panyaud | dreamtime.com
These ministries support our Sunday services, some take place on Sundays, some happen at other times.

PA operator - operates the sound desk during Sunday services
Data projector operator - runs the data projector from a laptop during Sunday services
Technical support - a range of activities shared among different people, including creating powerpoint slides for weekly notices, creating powerpoint slides for the services, troubleshooting computer and sound problems, mending sound equipment, etc.

Handy-person ministries:
There are lots of odd jobs that happen to keep the church functioning - changing light globes, fixing doors, building shelves, hanging pictures - you name it, there's nothing more handy than a handy person!

Gardening ministries:
Keeping the place looking good makes it more pleasant for regulars, safe for kids, and welcoming for newcomers.  There are lawns to mow, weeds to deal with, shrubs to prune, and for the more creative, gardens to plan!

Administrative ministries:
© Alvera | dreamstime.com
There's an amazing amount of admin. involved in a church, whether it's typing letters, writing documents, cutting out crafts for toddlers, updating the website, displaying info. on noticeboards...